“He found himself lying under white sheets with very little idea of how he had gotten there. It was the morning he woke up . . . He seemed to have been there for some time.”
“A deep-probing, layered story undulating through the shadows of domestic violence, Tell Me What I Am is a finely wrought psychological thriller . . .”
Field’s Crossing in Northern Indiana is farm country, and in the winter, with the snow drifting across the open flat lands, a body lies hidden under a 15-foot pile of ice and snow.
“Good characterizations—the killer’s point of view is woven throughout—as well as some delving into the protagonists’ inner thoughts, give this story that extra bite of reality, adding to t
“Reporter solves murder” is a reliable trope for movies, mysteries, and television. But trust me: It’s tougher than it looks on the screen or the page. In real life it rarely happens.
“Harris is to be congratulated on her ability to build a story with a maze full of twists and turns, memories false and true, and a totally unexpected ending.”
“Since this is about show biz folks, there’s plenty of name-dropping of people, places, and events to titillate while bringing the story easily into the reader’s world, making it both conte