Plot points abound at the beginning of Hays’ Pesticide: rioters attack police in central Bern, resulting in a murder; police officer Giuliana Linder deals with accidental homicide while re
“a thoroughly realized, fast-paced, delightfully told story that secures the author’s position as a top-of-the-line writer in the genre mystery/crime thriller.”
“Lee Hollis does a good job of dispersing red herrings and keeping true identity under wraps until the requisite climactic scene at the end of the story.”
“If one can get around the two, three, and four paragraphs often written on how to prepare and make something . . . the story is a good one, and the premise holds water.”
Hawk Mountain, the debut novel by Connor Habib, is a story of deception and manipulation involving people who exist in isolation and struggle to control repressed desires that often find e
“It will be interesting to see where Fleishman goes with his future writings. His style, his vocabulary, and his ability to engage the reader leave no page unturned.
“A Secret About a Secret resonates with the deep melancholy and simmering resentments that classic hard-boiled detective fiction embraces, but with far more grace
“Every Cloak Rolled in Blood is a tour de force, a derecho of raw emotion so powerful and overwhelming that you’re really not sure what to say after reading it.”
“First published in Sweden in 2020, the novel is eerily prescient in its depiction of Russian duplicity and ruthlessness. It even has a nasty thing or two to say about Vladimir Putin . .