In Translation

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It’s impossible to discuss Lucas Rijneveld’s My Heavenly Favorite without discussing Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita. Told in an epistolary style from the perspective of the perpetrator

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The first of Ebru Ojen’s works to be translated from Turkish to English, Lojman conducts an unflinching taxonomy of a family’s descent to oblivion.

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This second novel by the renowned French writer, Marguerite Duras, was written in 1943 when she was 29, and originally published by Gallimard in 1944 as La Vie tranquille.

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Dorthe Nors’ Wild Swims is a collection of 14 short stories written tightly and tensely, with most under a thousand words.

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“Although frequently painful to read, The German House is a condemnation of the Nazi past, but also an exploration of survivors’ guilt, as well as families in conflict.”

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“A Bildungsroman for our troubled times, set in a place where nothing is safe or certain.”

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The new English translation of Patrick Modiano’s 2003 novel Paris Nocturne defies categorization.

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Immigration is often associated with economic opportunity and upward mobility, but frequently immigration results in loss of status and, for the immigrants themselves, downward mobility.