International Settings

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“This review’s brief synopsis cannot possibly convey the novel’s wealth of detail and interconnected plot elements that demand attentive reading. . . .

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“Adults and scholars will find much to enjoy both in the editor’s insightful introductory essay and in her concise, interesting biographies of the artists. . . .

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A series of prose vignettes, an extended verse poem and a sequence of short meditations form the three sections of this bilingual collection.

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“Readers of There But For The have a similar choice to make.

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“Ali Smith’s There But For The is a thoroughly modern book that plays with form, structure, and language, never allowing the reader to settle for comfortable passive reading; ultim

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“In Last Man in Tower, it is immediately apparent that author Adiga’s writing has matured.

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This charming book consists of two novellas; the first is Feeding Mrs.
