
Reviewed by: 

No Surrender encompasses a powerful story about human brotherhood and comradeship reckoning with—and overcoming—the evil realities of Hitler’s Nazi regime.”

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“a splendid book that flies by with a sharp and concise writing style, just what you would expect from a Marine general.”

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“a comprehensive and readable narrative of the Army’s critical role in achieving victory over Japan.”

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“George Marshall lived by a moral code and never strayed from it. That was the key to his greatness.”

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“Chapman’s tenacity in sacrificing himself to save the lives of his comrades as other forces attempt to rescue him truly stand out as an example of the best America has to offer . .

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"in Topgun, Pedersen has the reader even looking forward to the next paragraph."

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“Andrew Roberts has written the best single-volume biography of Winston Churchill to date.”

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Women have always struggled to obtain their due in and from this country, from the Revolution right through to today.

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“Rampage reminds us once again that man’s inhumanity to man belies the notion of human progress.

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“My aim in this book,” writes Polish historian Adam Zamoyski in his captivating new biography of Napoleon Bonaparte, “is not to justify or condemn, but to piece together his life . . .

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“Wars are not won by evacuations,” remarked Winston Churchill after 338,226 British and French soldiers were safely transferred from the beaches at Dunkirk to England in late May-early June 1940.

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Some of the names of the 56 signers—our Founding Fathers—of the Declaration of Independence are well known.

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"Whitten used extensive interviews, and the records allowed to him to tell a cautionary tale on how the destruction of our world could come from complacency, lack of control, miscommunicati

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In late 2012 the freelance American photographer Matthew Schrier was heading out of Syria after a stint of work when his taxi was stopped.

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“leaves behind a legacy as one of the Army’s most influential innovators . . .”

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"Hollywood makes movies about battles, helicopters, and daring escapes in the Vietnam War.

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It bears repeating that personal accounts and oral histories are important for a variety of reasons.

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For weal or woe, many names stand out in the history of our revolution against Great Britain: Nathan Hale, George Washington, Benedict Arnold, and Ethan Allen, for example.

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When recruits enter the Marine Corps many of them have an idealistic view of what constitutes an effective Marine, and they embrace the adventure that awaits them.

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Such is the molten hot fury of Syria’s now almost seven-year conflict, that it seems hard to think back to how things were before.

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The Vietnam War was one of the most tragic and divisive events in the history of this country.

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“Twenty-Two on Peleliu will haunt, enchant and thrill . . . it will inspire you with stories of heroism and courage . . .

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“fully justifie[s] the remark of General Alan Brooke that Britain should ‘thank God . . . that occasionally such supermen exist on this earth.’”
