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From social media to Netflix AI has already infiltrated our daily lives. . . . Are we on the threshold of an AI dominated reality? . . . Will humans be superseded by AI?

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“Clinicians who already use the book’s cutting-edge memory reconsolidation approach will deepen their knowledge of its principles and find myriad practices and applications to make certain

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“this book is highly recommended for a wide variety of readers, but especially to those who may have undergone trauma or the family members with whom they share their lives.”

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“The stories presented here constitute a further step in dispelling negative stereotypes and in enabling gay men of these three generations to own their dignity.”

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Conformity is both necessary for a society and one of its grave dangers. Cass Sunstein has been interested in this tension for a significant part of his career.

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“Darwin worked only ‘a couple of hours a day and spent a lot of time taking long walks.’ Just imagine yourself doing the same. ‘How fun would that be?’”

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“Emotions are not positive or negative but must be used appropriately in situations—through neither under- nor overuse—to be effective.”

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“Harrington has written a challenging book. The shortcomings of current ideas in the causes and treatments of mental disease are clearly documented.

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“Lori Gottlieb takes you not only inside the head of a therapist but welcomes you into her heart as well.”

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“Headcase is important reading for any LGBTQ persons with mental health and wellness concerns, and is equally important for the therapists who treat such populatio

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“If you’re looking for a read that spotlights exactly how to take control of your life, this book provides a tidy amalgamation of theory and practice that’ll get you up and running with the

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“O’Connor and Weatherall’s work will help us face the ‘alternative facts’ that Trump relies upon.”

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“a profoundly intelligent book. Wang addresses complex issues with scientific literacy and personal openness. Her book is valuable . . .”

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“Hurry Down Sunshine . . . stands the test of time. Michael Greenberg’s intense and probing mind offers a singular perspective on a universal experience.

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“Hello World looks under the hood of computers and is a good read for everyone about our ‘now’ and our near future.”

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In the third picture book by this talented team, I Am Human teaches both compassion and mindfulness, popular trends in children's books these days.

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“Sobering and frightening as his analysis of the president is, it is also a call to arms.”

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“There will be people who reject Chemaly’s book as being the rantings of another angry woman. By doing so, they will prove her point.”

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“Although this book might be painful to read for gaslighting victims and survivors, it will bring them out of the darkness and into the light, helping them heal . . .”

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“An overblown title signals a kitchen-sink approach—too much, too repetitive, too speculative. The molecule of more has taken over judgement and discernment.”

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“Funny, romantic, utterly charming, Okay Fine Whatever will particularly appeal to people who suffer from anxiety. In other words, everyone.”

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Kara Richardson Whitely’s double-entendre of a title, The Weight of Being, wonderfully captures her physical and emotional life as a person of higher weight.
