Current/Public Affairs & Events

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“As Ever Green shows, the world is filled with people who bring a weathered idealism to their forests, where there’s much to learn and many successes to build on.”

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The author of this book, veteran terrorism expert Nelly Lahoud of the New America Security Program, sifted through 96,000 declassified files (and 6,000 Arabic pages) seized from Osama bin Laden’s c

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“For the just curious about how a law gets passed or those itching to make it happen, this guide has all the answers.”

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“interesting and insightful . . . a beacon of hope in our dark times”

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Since Donald J. Trump is still a very active politician, it is good to have an initial review of his presidency by a team of experts on 19 different facets of his presidency.

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Paying for universal health services? How could we pay for it? “Stop to think of it. We’re never asked how we were going to pay for our years of wars choice.

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“Dwight Chapin’s newly published memoir reveals new facts and insights into the very consequential presidency of Richard Nixon . . .”

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“Often riveting, well-researched, and utterly convincing, this book sounds a frightening alarm about unreliable expert testimony in the courtroom.”

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Putin’s Trolls is a terrifying analysis of evil—how Russian authorities have mobilized social media and other forms of hybrid warfare to exploit human frailties to foster Kremlin ambitions

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Anyone with a drug or alcohol dependency problem will, at least some of the time, feel that nobody knows their pain.

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“will give health policy makers much to consider about ways to improve care.

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Unless you were cryogenically frozen for the last few years you are probably aware of the meltdown of schools, childcare, and workplaces during the Covid-19 pandemic.

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It is impossible to enjoy reading the constitution more than through the searing perspective of the brilliant Twainesque humor of Elie Mystal in Allow Me to Retort: A Black Guy’s Guide to the C

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“Vivid, moving, revealing, and highly readable, The Helpers deserves a high place on the Covid-19 bookshelf.”

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“If America was forged and reforged in the South, then it can be healed and reinvented there as well (and perhaps it must be so).”

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The social and political implications of the digital economy are the source of increasing attention. The latest entry comes from Congressman Ro Khanna, a Democrat representing Silicon Valley.

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“Schweizer uses his keen eye for detail to explain the many and varied ways that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has influenced US elites in ways that benefit China both economically, pol

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The Navy SEALS are the elite of the elite in the military of the United States. They train for missions according to their acronym: SEa, Air and Land.

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“What Melo does well is to bring into light the human factor at play behind the immigration lures and the need to reform a broken system.
