Judith Deutsch

Originally from Los Angeles, Judith Deutsch studied history and literature at UCLA and social work at U.C. Berkeley. She received child psychoanalytic training at the Cleveland Hanna Perkins Centre, and adult psychoanalytic training at the Toronto Psychoanalytic Institute, where she now teaches the course on conscience development. She has a particular interest in linking together the many sides of complicated crises.
While on the editorial collective of Canadian Dimension Magazine, she co-edited issues on militarism and on children. In 2009 shortly before the Copenhagen COP climate meeting, as president of Science for Peace she brought together foremost climate scientist James Hansen, Naomi Klein, and indigenous environmental campaigner Clayton Thomas-Muller.
She has organized many talks in the Toronto area, recently focusing on the militarization of climate change, environmental racism, and the threat of nuclear war. Her work appears in Counterpunch, Canadian Dimension Magazine, and the Science for Peace Bulletin. Her article “The Exploitation of Children” was one of the keynote papers presented at the 2008 Gaza Community Health Programme/WHO symposium “Building Bridges” and is published in Psychoanalysis, Collective Traumas and Memory Places, ed. Giuseppe Leo (2015, Frenis Zero).
She is a mother and a grandmother.