Science & Math

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“This is a book you’ll want to drink up, making a point to remember the information tidbits you want to pull out to amaze and amuse your friends at the next wedding, dinner, or cocktail par

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Voyaging in Strange Seas is an excellent source of information about the history of science.

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Why Science Does Not Disprove God is an interesting attempt at a form of religious apologetics, even though it does not always succeed in providing a solid defense of faith.

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The Physics of War is uneven in covering physics and war, conflates physics with technology, and conflates war with history. . .

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“This reviewer is simply a fool for math puzzles (though some readers might stop at simply a fool). Math Bytes scratches that itch quite nicely.”

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Wizards, Aliens, and Starships is a great book by itself or as a starting point for exploring the physics of space exploration as well as the classics in science fiction.”

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Neanderthal Man forces us to consider how scientific knowledge is created. . . .

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“The author takes neither a pro-drug nor an anti-drug stance, simply describing how human beings have repeatedly drugged themselves throughout the ages.”

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Greening in the Red Zone provides critical research and application that provides a tremendous starting point for catalyzing a discussion about how to heal, integ

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“We are not observers on the outside looking in. We are on the inside too.”

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The Accidental Universe offers to the reader the wanderings of a curious and intelligent mind . . .”

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“. . . a fun and interesting introduction to cosmology and multiverse theory.”

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"Shaping Humanity is a humanistic portfolio that unpacks the complexities of making, shaping, and viewing human ancestors."

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“. . . an excellent reference, though it . . . offers no tutorial for beginners.”

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The cover shows the narrators jumping feet first (and wearing big, broad smiles as they do) into a big machine that seems to be tracking a neverending ribbon with the general titles of branches of

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Whether it is about the proportion of taxes paid by different economic groups or the salaries paid to employees, the question “What is fair?” is often raised.

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“As an introduction to GPS, its history, uses, issues and concerns GPS Declassified can’t be beat.”

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“Until one understands what incentives motive people, it is impossible to predict how new policies will actually work.”

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“The reader will find much to discuss, debate, and disagree with, but the journey is well worth the effort.”

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“If you are interested in the latest in philosophical thinking (informed by science and religion) on nature versus nurture, and if you are a patient reader, you can’t go too far wrong with

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Though in the introduction the authors tell the reader, “[t]he main goal of this book . . .
