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    The legendary foreign policy expert John Mearshiemer has partnered up with the University of Notre Dame’s Sebastian Rosato to write a short, thought provoking but slightly clanky book around a simp

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    Thomas Ferenczi has written a concise, primary-sourced, and fact-based history of Nazi Germany’s foreign policy between 1933 and 1939.”

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    Here is a book that will make your chest heavy with regret for what has been lost but also buoyant with hope that a brighter future can be achieved.

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    “Given the cherry-picked evidence, faulty logic, and sheer naivete of this book, any reader hoping to understand world affairs should turn elsewhere.”

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    American Presidents in Diplomacy and War is a tutorial on foreign policy 'realism' as the most effective approach to international politics.”

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    “Thompson shows that throughout his presidency, Roosevelt worked assiduously to overcome the restraints of domestic politics on his foreign policies by using his ‘bully pulpit’ and cultivat

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    This compact but wide-ranging book provides an authoritative analysis of America’s retreat from the world under President Donald Trump.

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    At last a book that attacks the “Blob” and holes it below the water line. Whether it can sink it is another matter.

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    Urging the imperative “to distinguish between the desirable and the vital as well as between the feasible and the impossible,” Richard Haass forcefully, cogently, and compellingly makes the case th

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    Among historians certainly, it has been axiomatic that control of the authority and power of the Federal government was maintained by the so-called Southern plantation aristocracy for the first 75

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    “an extraordinary book of stunning black and white images of the men and boys, women and girls, who lost limbs and loved ones and managed to pick up the pieces of their lives and move on af

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    “Mr. Henaghan does shine light on the confusion regarding the multitude of patient safety organizations and makes health care system simplification sound attractive.

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    “Where Mandelbaum breaks new ground is when he discusses and assesses the serial failures of Presidents Clinton through Obama in post-Cold War geopolitics.

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    “the main points of this powerful book . . . ought to be on the reading list of every university course on American Foreign Policy.”

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    “Transforming Our World is an insiders’ account of the foreign policy ‘successes’ and ‘achievements’ of President George H. W.

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    In 2012, the historian Andrew Preston in his Sword of the Spirit, Shield of Faith concluded that religion, especially Christianity, has played a central role in U.S.

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    As the nation comes to grips with the incarceration boom of the last several decades, sociologists, criminologists, and other experts have begun to closely examine the collateral consequences broug

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    The Death and Life of the Single Family House is an important contribution to urban studies . . .”

