Paul Dix

Pamela Fitzpatrick worked in the Church Sanctuary movement in the early 1980s and was director of the North Pacific Witness for Peace office in Eugene, Oregon from 1985 to 1993, leading delegations to Nicaragua and the Texas border. Ms. Fitzpatrick has also worked in legal aid in North Carolina and as Director of the WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) program in Lane County, Oregon. She lives in Eugene, Oregon.

Paul Dix is a professional photographer who has traveled the world photographing nature as well as people and the impact of wars and poverty. He lived in Nicaragua from 1985 to 1990, working on staff for Witness for Peace. He traveled in the conflict zones and used his camera to document many of the atrocities of the U.S.-sponsored contra war against the Sandinista government. Mr. Dix has worked as photographer for the U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office, the Environmental Protection Agency and other agencies and corporations. His photographs have been published in TIME magazine, Reader's Digest, Rolling Stone, and numerous publications. He lives in Livingston, Montana.

From 2002 to 2010, Mr. Dix and Ms. Fitzpatrick spent a total of 17 months in Nicaragua tracking down people whom Mr. Dix had photographed during the counterrevolution in order to document the long-term impact of the contra war on their lives. The book is a product of that effort.

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“an extraordinary book of stunning black and white images of the men and boys, women and girls, who lost limbs and loved ones and managed to pick up the pieces of their lives and move on af