Shelley Shepard Gray

Books Authored

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Twenty-two-year-old May Schott wonders what life has in store for her.

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Save the Last Dance demonstrates how strangers become family with their caring ways and unfailing faith in each other.”

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Kendra Troyer spends most of her young life caring for her younger siblings and protecting them from their abusive father and submissive mother.

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Twenty-seven-year-old Shannon Murphy is excited to learn she has sisters.

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“a sweet, inspiring, and easy read . . .”

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Meredith Hunt is accosted on the bike trail while jogging, and Ace Vance and his teenage son Finn come to her rescue.

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The Amish are very spiritual and morally set in the ways of their faith. Sadie Detweiler, courted by Harlan Mast, finds she is pregnant.