Jonathan Lethem

Jonathan Lethem was born in New York and attended Bennington College. He is the author of seven novels including Fortress of Solitude and Motherless Brooklyn, which was named Novel of the Year by Esquire and won the National Book Critics Circle Award and the Salon Book Award, as well as the Macallan Crime Writers Association Gold Dagger. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.

Books Authored

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“This book is a long read—skimming won’t cut it. But it’s long the way a walk through Brooklyn’s neighborhoods is long, and beautiful, and sometimes very clearly ‘other.’”

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“one of the most unusual, unlikely, and un-put-downable PI novels ever.”

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“The Ecstasy of Influence is a book worth reading—it redraws the map of popular culture and, in so doing, pushes us beyond the confines of our comfortable minds, out into the larger world