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A Thin Bright Line will help widen the metaphorical crack in the chains that bind those who are outside of societal norms.”

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This past year, released a series of novellas from an incredibly diverse range of authors, notably the Nebula and Hugo award winning Binti by Nnedi Okorafor.

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There’s a certain poetry of loneliness at work in Martin Hyatt’s new novel Beautiful Gravity.

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In today’s Internet connected global culture literature is written by authors who do not necessarily reside in the countries of their birth and read by readers worldwide.

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What happens when disaster strikes? We’ve read books about the people involved in natural or manmade disasters and watched movies about them.

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Consuming fiction makes us social scientists better writers, better thinkers. We learn how to put together words in new ways, and we learn new worlds.

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When Detective Constable Leonard Corell is called to a house in a quiet English suburb he discovers a man lying lifeless on his bed, white froth dried into a dribble of powder at the corner of his

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Set in the late 80s, Jed has escaped Chicago and the beginning of the AIDS crisis to return to where he experienced a hedonist paradise during his college days.

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“Greenwell writes with a hypnotic flair and intense precision.”

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The author crafts passages of agonizing psychological self-torment with a master's ear for the perfect phrase.”

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“The Price of Salt is a moving, beautifully conceived and written book. It is a mesmerizing read.”

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Times have changed in the quarter century since Lesléa Newman first published Heather Has Two Mommies. Twenty-five years ago Newman could not find a publisher for the book.

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“Author Simsion handles the whole with grace and craftsmanship, so that life-lessons are painlessly absorbed through storytelling rather than preaching.”

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“For about the last ten years British writing has been experiencing a remarkable renaissance in literary fiction. Long may this movement flourish.

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“. . . a girl who works hard deserves a break.”

Can a down-on-her-luck queer sista catch a break in ’90s Brooklyn?

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“Mr. Halperin’s answer: . . . the lessening of overt discrimination and exclusion has come at a price. Gays have become too like heterosexuals: conventional and boring.”

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“. . . undeniably a talented writer, Mr. Sasson’s stories differ wildly in quality from the excellent . . . to the melodramatic . . .”

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“Edmund White who wrote The Beautiful Room Is Empty. Edmund White who gave us A Boy’s Own Story as well. It is as if he owes it to us to always excel.

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“Greg Herren knows how to tell a crime story without resorting to inane stereotyping. . . .

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“Péter Nadás may infuriate readers accustomed to a Tolstoyan resolution of a series of interrelated stories and characters and times and settings.

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“Surely in the past three decades we have moved beyond merely the inclusion of Speedos and horny waiters and The Pines in order for something to be considered ‘gay fiction.’ . . .

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“. . . curiosity, that powerful driver of discovery, is only as valuable as what it turns up.

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“The action, indeed the story, seems like it takes place another world, distancing the reader from the reading experience—the opposite of what you want in a thriller.
