Genre Fiction

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“Come with Me is almost a phenomenal book.”

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"A Sky for Us Alone strives to be a novel of social commentary touching upon a wide variety of issues including drug abuse, economic inequality and hardship, fractured families, dome

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“Moving On goes on and on, but you'll keep reading just the same.”

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“far-reaching, ambitious, and urgently queer. . . . it contains magnificent work worth diving into, even at the risk of drowning or being devoured.”

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“One part coming of age tale, one part contemporary magic school, and a sizable part dark reality, Vita Nostra is a beautiful, aching, nearly debilitating fantasy that bruises, and

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“The power of this well-written novel grows as the story moves forward both historically and fictionally.

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“Noonan's complex novel grips the reader with fully textured characters and page turning suspense. A heartwrenching book you won't soon forget.”

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“Uneven as it is, Family Trust need not be compared to Crazy Rich Asians in order to find an audience.

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“As always, Harrison’s plotting is tight, her pacing compelling, and her attack on the morality of the Mormon Church sharp-clawed yet heartbreaking.”

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“This young adult fantasy is dark and deftly drawn, an intriguing blend of The Hunger Games and a Japanese Cinderella story turned inside out.”

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“Like The Thirteenth Tale, Once Upon a River is very much a story about the spellbinding power of storytelling, and the stories troubled people tell themselves and each other to ma

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“Winter Loon, a debut novel, is both emotional and skillfully written.

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“the story is one of love, trust, and risk—all three of which must be found in order to make life work in all its messiness.

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­­­­­The Court Dancer is a meditation on the social changes that force people to confront the double-edged swords of tradition and modernism.”

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“a love song, not to certainty, but to possibility. Philosophical and thought-provoking, Extinctions will remain with you long after the last page.”

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echoes of Cormac McCarthy’s eerie, early Appalachian writing.”

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“Rule masterfully navigates a series of difficult storytelling forms and tropes to emerge as a cohesive, compelling, and fast-paced fantasy adventure.”

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“This book is a study, a narrative, a poem of what life means when you have to deal with the guilt and the pain of being a survivor. . .

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“Garcia has created a way for these four teens to challenge the way they view themselves, each other, their community, and what they each dream for their future.”

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In this historical fiction novel, the author meticulously researched the lives of Judith Leyster and Maria de Grebber, two unknown Dutch painters in the 17th century.

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“William Boyd is a master of the character biography, of evoking place and time, of expressing the human condition with its longings, its fleeting moments of bliss, its crushing inequities,

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For those who have been debutantes, this book will bring a knowing smile to your face; for those who have never been debutantes, it will cause a roaring guffaw to explode from your depths.

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“Sparks sure knows how to ignite the romance between two characters.”

“Whoever loved who loved not at first sight?” —William Shakespeare, As You Like It.

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Janet Peery’ s second novel, The Exact Nature of Our Wrongs invites the reader into a tale of familial dysfunctionality that resonates on several levels.

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“From the decadence of high-society balls, to the swankiness of Belmont horse racing, murder and scandals abound.”
