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    Translated from its original Iranian/Persian publication by Sara Khalili, In the Meadow of Fantasies holds a tender yet powerful allure.

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    “‘Heterosexuality is historically constituted,’ she concludes, ‘and for now we believe in it. And this, too, shall pass.’”

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    Words that immediately come to mind are exaggerated, fetishistic, derivative, historical, and sculptural to name a few. Guido Palau is at once artist, designer, stylist, inventor, and iconoclast.

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    The Still Life Sketchbook is essentially a blank sketchbook with outstanding illustrations designed to inspire and stimulate productivity in the budding artist.

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    “get lost in the beauty of it.”

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    This is not a diary like the other books in the Wimpy Kid series. As the author points out emphatically, The Wimpy Kid Do-It-Yourself Book is a journal.

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    Writing a book on neuroscience that is decipherable by the average reader is no easy task.

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    In a blend of history, memoir, and travelogue, renowned ceramicist Edmund de Waal invites readers, artists, art critics, and the curious into his obsession with clay and its beauty from its genesis

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    “Beautiful Berlin Boys by Ashkan Sahihi resounds as an affirmation of the beauty and individuality of the gay man.”

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    “The challenge of making something from almost nothing is met by using the right words ‘frugally, parsimoniously.’ With the right words we can make the reader go places he could never imagi

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    The Jottery: Thought Experiments for Everyday Philosophers and Part-Time Geniuses is a clever book for creative or would-be creative people.

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    Be prepared for an eerie night-time experience!

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    Celine is the portrait of a remarkable woman: a plausible super-granny with endearing panache who helps heal broken hearts and wounded souls.”

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    “a fast-moving thriller about a woman seeking answers and the man determined to help her find them.”

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    “A chilling journey through a killer’s mind . . .”

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    The London author Michael Rosen has been the poet laureate of the UK. He knows poetry. What is Poetry?

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    “Although one might think a conservative future will naturally follow from a conservative past, a truism previously betrayed by the likes of Chief Justice Earl Warren, the legacy of the Rob

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    “Until one understands what incentives motive people, it is impossible to predict how new policies will actually work.”

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    “The craftsmanship is so good, it’s hard to believe this is a first novel.”

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    Compiling the first five issues of the Orphan Black comic book series, Orphan Black: Volume 1 is in essence a rehashing of the events in the first season of the TV show the comic
