Marie Green McKeon

Marie Green McKeon has been a journalist, an advertising and marketing copywriter, and an editor, as well as an author of fiction. She first became enamored with all things editorial by pitching in to write headlines for her high school newspaper. That led to a stint in journalism, writing for such outlets as The New York Times and Philadelphia Inquirer, before moving on to a career in marketing writing in corporate settings. Writing novels, however, has been her passion. Since publication of A Balm in Gilead, she has been developing several fiction projects.

Books by Marie Green McKeon

Book Reviews by Marie Green McKeon

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“An exploration of both memory and what might have been, that at times can be quite terrifying.

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“A timely, and more importantly, a vivid, often searing examination of the lives, attitudes, and emotional baggage of immigrants and Americans in a small California town.”

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“A story that is a sort of a Groundhog Day in the afterlife, Samuel Johnson’s Eternal Return is a worthwhile, thoughtful—and hilarious—read.”

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When looking among 19th century women for those who might have been feminists, forged a path for women’s rights, or were simply independent-minded, the pickings are rather slim. Susan B.