Donna M. Johnson
Donna Johnson is a high school dropout who found redemption in books and the University of Texas. She planned to be a journalist, but her career was hijacked by marketing and advertising. As a result, she spent years writing about the mysterious workings of technology, most of which she took on faith.
Through the writing of Holy Ghost Girl Ms. Johnson found a way to connect the disparate parts of herself. The sight of a gospel tent stretched against an evening sky leaves an ache in her heart, but she no longer flees at the sound of a tambourine. She has been known to tell people she'll pray for them. And she does.
The big questions posed by religion continue to occupy Ms. Johnson. She has written about matters of faith for the “Dallas Morning News” and the Austin American Statesman. She lives and writes in Austin, Texas, where with the help of family and friends, she works at becoming a regular person.