Heather Havrilesky

Heather Havrilesky grew up in Durham, North Carolina, with a bossy older brother and sister, a submissive Beagle mix named Madge, a few brutal cats, and a wide assortment of ill-fated rodents.
After graduating from Duke University, she moved to San Francisco where she blended into the scenery by drinking too much and writing angry songs about unrequited love, although never in a rockabilly band. In 1995, she co-created the weekly cartoon, Filler, with illustrator Terry Colon for Suck.com, one of the most popular daily sites on the web. Filler ran for five years and was Suck.com’s most popular feature.
In 2001 she created the Rabbit Blog, enabling her to dispense peevish, misguided advice to innocent strangers. Her work has also appeared in Spin, New York, the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post, BookForum, and NPR's “All Things Considered.”
Since 2003 Heather has been a senior writer on staff at Salon.com, where she covers television, pop culture, and all other empty distractions that impede our progress as a species. She lives with her family in Los Angeles.

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Memoir is a medium that is back in vogue again. Not surprising really, given that reality television, blogs, Mom TV, and podcasts are growing faster than any other media in history.