Cristobal Balenciaga, Philippe Venet, Hubert de Givenchy: Grand Traditions in French Couture

Ms. Nicole-Mazery writes that “Hubert de Givenchy suggested to Minnie, princess of Beauvau Craon, that she host an exhibition of evening gowns in tribute to three designers who left their mark on the history of fashion.”
From this suggestion was born Grand Traditions in French Couture, and the result is not only a small gem but also a mini history of these three grand couturiers and a historical French landmark chateau.
The chateau Haroue is the ancestral home of Beauvau Craon, built in the early 18th century. With its restoration came an intimate exhibit of gowns that these three fabled designers displayed inside the extraordinary beauty of the chateau.
There is a striking comparison to be made between this grand stone edifice and the exquisite gowns exhibited within. Each required the “petit mains” of artisans who are unparalleled in their fields of expertise, whether they were the iron workers who re-created the rails of 18th century or the embroiderers who embellished the gowns for any of these designers. What this “petite” volume does is show the details of why each part of the chateau can be compared to each gown or segment thereof.
What seems a bit incongruous is the inclusion of Balenciaga, who was long known for his clean lines and simplicity. Yet there can be comparison drawn by the architecture and precision of his clothes measured against the same of the chateau.
At any rate, Cristobal Balenciaga, Philippe Venet, Hubert de Givenchy: Grand Traditions in French Couture offers a rare look at the unrivaled works of the three designers set against the rarely seen interiors of Haroue.
All elements of the book are part of a visual feast, serving as a reminder that there was a time when designers were great “createurs” and not just names added to a multibillion-dollar conglomerate brands or a trophy to be bragged about when added to a stable of same.