Steve Emmett

Steve Emmett is 5' 10" in his sock feet, 55 years of age, and may weigh more than 120Kg depending on the time of day. What little hair he has left is brown going grey (yes, even that), but in years gone by he had a rich unruly mop which was tamed according to fashion - poodle perm; New Romantic side parting; bleached both in whole and in part. His challenge to the barber these days is rather more workaday.
Mr Emmett studied architecture at the AA in London where he once witnessed Dame Zaha Hadid fall through a canvas chair (admittedly she was just plain Ms Hadid then). He spent most of his working life selling Italian country homes to northern Europeans and Americans, and spent many years living in London and Italy. He will always be grateful to Lehmann Bros for wrecking his comfortable existence and providing him with the opportunity to fulfill his writerly ambitions. Mr Emmett grew up on Hammer Horror films, Dennis Wheatley and M R James stories, so not surprising that his main genre is horror and dark matter. When not scaring readers he likes to make them smile.
Mr Emmett is a member of the Society of Authors, the British Humanist Assocation, and reviews for the New York Journal of Books. You may have come across him at the occasional book festival, book signing, or making merry on the Paranormal Radio Network. He is always open to offers, the more bizarre the better.