Judy Clemens

Judy Clemens' books in several mystery genres include the Agatha- and Anthony-nominated Stella Crown Mysteries. Her most recent crime fiction is Beyond the Grave (Poisoned Pen Press, 2018), the fifth in the Grim Reaper Mystery Series. She also wrote the standalone Lost Sons (Herald Press 2008), as well as the Agatha- and Anthony-nominated YA thriller Tag, You’re Dead (Poisoned Pen Press, 2016), which was published under the pen name J.C. Lane and translated into Turkish (Bilgi, 2018).
She is a playwright, essayist, and biographer, with short stories in multiple publications. Her most recent book-length nonfiction is Making Waves, Fifty Stories about Sharing Love and Changing the World (Herald Press, 2020). Other nonfiction pieces between 2021 and 2024 include academic articles about television shows, including Schitt’s Creek, Stranger Things, and Star Trek (multiple series). Short stories include “Safe,” in Ellery Queen Mystery magazine (2020) and “Clear Knights” in Bound by Mystery (Poisoned Pen Press, 2017). She is a past-president and active member of Sisters in Crime, whose mission is “to promote the ongoing advancement, recognition and professional development of women crime writers.”
Ms. Clemens has a PhD in American Culture Studies and a master’s in Popular Culture. She has worked as an Equity stage manager, mostly in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and now lives in Huntsville, Texas, where she is an assistant professor of mass communications at Sam Houston State University.