Jean L. S. Patrick

Jean L. S. Patrick is the award-winning author of several books for children, including the The Girl Who Struck Out Babe Ruth.
She is also the author of If I Had a Snowplow; Cows, Cats, and Kids: A Veterinarian’s Family at Work; Who Carved the Mountain? The Story of Mount Rushmore; Face to Face with Mount Rushmore, and several other pieces of nonfiction.
Ms. Patrick has written a weekly children’s book column for the Mitchell (SD) Daily Republic since 1989. She also served as the Regional Advisor for the Dakotas for the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) from 2003–2009.
She has degrees in English from Luther College and Kansas State University. She is a member of the Society for American Baseball Research.
When Ms. Patrick is not writing, researching, or reviewing, she gives presentations at schools and conferences throughout the country.
Books by Jean L. S. Patrick