“The Tudors in Love enlightens the reader on courtly love as ‘that elusive but overwhelmingly pervasive ideal that dominated the European mind for centuries.’”
“With bright thumbnails on key figures and entertaining vignettes on memorable moments, The BBC sheds considerable light on the history of a leading broadcaster.”
“a fascinating and well-illustrated look at this neglected aspect of Roman and ancient war history, describing the long-term successes and failures of a succession of emperors to conquer th
“The Great War and the Birth of Modern Medicine could stand as a solid highly readable history of World War I, even ignoring its important contribution to the history of the advanc
“provides a more nuanced picture of an almost tragic figure trying to bridge the old and new political order between representative democracy and the oligarchy of the English nobility.”
“The author explains the important feminine side of a royal court with the histories of two of the mistresses of Great Britain’s famous monarchs, George I and II.”
“In Egypt 1801, Reid tells the battles in great detail but with clear, engrossing, and lively prose in the best tradition of the literature of military history.”
“Hastings is especially good in Operation Pedestal at describing the excitement, fear, and weariness of the British seamen and airmen as they encountered Axis attacks.”
In her enthralling book Emily Midorikawa tells the stories of women, many from modest backgrounds in the US and the UK, who parlayed their alleged communications with the spirit world into social,
“The author writes clearly and entertainingly of the rich history of the Plantagenet queens of England and for an audience unfamiliar with the subject.”
“Thomas Penn in A Royal Tragedy covers the three brothers of the House of York in ‘one of the most seductive and contested stories in English history . . .’”
“Wendy Moore’s skill as a writer delivers the story of these women and the history of the war with exceptional power, laying out a compelling combination of casual
“The Splendid and the Vile is a tale of courage, perseverance, sacrifice, fear, tragedy, human drama, and ultimately inspiration for free peoples everywhere.
"David D. Hall provides an enlightening, well organized, easy read . . . on how the Puritans arose from English populism to what they became in America"