“. . . the question, the one that has to do with the collected stories in questions, is: Is What We Talk About When We Talk About Anne Frank: Stories worthy of the hoopla?
“Each author tells the tale of a separate character, each in her own unique voice, somehow seamlessly meshing the four together and thus allowing the story to flow and blossom.
“So if you possess a penis, are a bathroom bibliophile with the attention span of a gnat, and happen to be looking for a read that is as timely as, say, feather hair extensions, then perhap
This is a novel filled with contrasts: stilted writing vs. elegant prose, existential thought vs. Christian beliefs, selfishness vs. generosity, accuracies vs. inaccuracies. Mr.
If you thought it was impossible to tell a torturous tale about torture with grace, depth, insight, and compassion, then you must read In The Company of Angels by Thomas E. Kennedy.