
Reviewed by: 

The title of Helen Dunmore’s masterfully crafted novel should perhaps be in the plural, encapsulating as it does a number of exposures that tickle the reader’s thoughts long after the final page ha

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“the story wandered far afield through dead-ends, unnecessary characters, and false starts.”

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“Incorporating many of the finest elements of spy thrillers and even romance novels, . . .”

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Fly By Night is fast-paced and engaging. Thoroughly enjoyable.”

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“Mr. Jurjevics draws the reader into the narrative, as if he is experiencing the mission alongside Rider as he huffs through the jungle in wet boots, bugs feasting on his flesh. . . .

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“[Spycatcher] is timely in its topic and credit should be given to Mr. Dunn for applying his experience to designing a suspense thriller.

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“Daniel Silva writes with a clarity not seen by many of today’s writers. He has designed a delicious plot that moves with the speed of light.

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Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child have done it again—and have done so with efficacy. In creating a new hero, they have assured their many enduring fans a fast paced read.

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A 21-year veteran of the Central Intelligence Agency, Susan Hasler begins a new career as a novelist with this brilliantly written satirical thriller and blatant, all-out attack on her former emplo
