Literary Fiction

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“Surely in the past three decades we have moved beyond merely the inclusion of Speedos and horny waiters and The Pines in order for something to be considered ‘gay fiction.’ . . .

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“‘Aren’t human beings awful, aren’t they absurd?’ one woman observes. ‘The things one catches oneself out in!’ Unfortunately, one wishes at times while reading these stories that Ms.

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“Grief never ceases to transform.”

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Something is not right in Tel Ilan, the fictional Israeli village set in the Manasseh Hills (probably in the general vicinity of Rishon L’Tzion) in which the first seven of the eight stories in

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“How the Mistakes Were Made is a fiercely affectionate rendering of that period right before the general public was hungry for the Nirvanas and the Pearl Jams—but hadn’t yet heard

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“This review’s brief synopsis cannot possibly convey the novel’s wealth of detail and interconnected plot elements that demand attentive reading. . . .

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“. . . curiosity, that powerful driver of discovery, is only as valuable as what it turns up.

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“Adults and scholars will find much to enjoy both in the editor’s insightful introductory essay and in her concise, interesting biographies of the artists. . . .

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“that is exactly what Daniel Woodrell is: a storyteller, first and foremost.

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“So I will say it in simple language: Buy this book. Read this book. It is masterful. It is one of the best short story collections published this year.

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“There is much to like about Lizard World, but the book ultimately resembles the spliced creatures that inhabit its narrative: It is an uncomely hybrid less than the sum of its par

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“Mr. Frazier’s writing is so fine it needs to be savored. These people are as unique as all human beings are; not one of them can be wholly admired or detested.

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A series of prose vignettes, an extended verse poem and a sequence of short meditations form the three sections of this bilingual collection.

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“The writing in Changó’s Beads and Two-Tone Shoes is sharp and original throughout most of the book, with skillful intercuttings of first- and third- person viewpoints.”

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“When Mr. Banks is on a roll . . . it’s a pleasure to go along for the ride. . . . this is a rewarding novel, full of vigorous prose, grappling with the American experience.”

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“. . . justifies the hype . . . an unabashed, full-throated baseball novel that stays just general enough to appeal to those with no interest or knowledge of the game.

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“Griots—French for African storytellers—collects 14 tales of exotic action and adventure all presented by African American writers. . . .

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“As the author contemplates works of literature and art depicting winter and the effects of central heating, he writes thoughtfully of the miracle, metaphor, poetry, and science of winter,

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“Anne Enright’s razor-sharp writing turns every ordinary detail into a weapon, to create a story that cuts right to the bone.”

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“In The Grief of Others, a promising and potentially engaging story is overwhelmed by obtuse storytelling. . . . This read was something of an exhausting experience.”

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“. . . brilliant and gritty and urban . . . the most brutal coming of age story imaginable.”

The Kid is by far the most disturbing novel I have ever read.

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“The Sense of an Ending is something of a minor masterpiece.”

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“The Baker’s Wife brings together unlikely characters . . . each with her own agenda and differences, to suggest that all things are possible with faith.

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“Exquisite . . . Aamer Hussein’s messages in The Cloud Messenger will be read over and over again by readers for many years to come.”

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“Readers of There But For The have a similar choice to make.
