Optimist Libby Miller’s life takes an unimaginable terrifying turn. On the very day she learns she has a life-threatening illness, her husband, Tom, reveals a marriage-ending secret.
“The Blazing World is poundingly alive with ideas, personalities, conviction, fear, fakery, ambition, and sorrow. The reading mind is set on high, happy alert.
Kat George’s Pink Bits is an example of the growing volume of media products—books, blogs, films, television shows—produced by young women primarily for a specific demographic of girls and
“The plot of The Spoiler rattles along with slow-burning subplots that manage to keep the reader engaged. If the reveals are a little disappointing in their substance, Ms.
“In the end the real question is: What would happen if we were to throw away caution and good sense and choose instead to enjoy a moment—albeit a delectable one—in time?