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     White Rocket Books, 2009 When Edgar Rice Burroughs wrote his interplanetary adventure back in the early days of the 20th century, knowledge of our solar system and the planets that made it up was

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    “In other hands, the fate of a beautiful and world-famous woman leaving it all behind, including her sons, could have been no better than chick lit with a twist.

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    Eloquent Books, June 2009

    A Picture Book That Encourages Children to Believe In Themselves

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    Any reader of the magazine Vanity Fair particularly in the 80’s will be familiar with the glittering cast of celebrities, including celebrity villains, parading the pages of The Vanity

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    Do you know what floats in a moat? Do not be like Justin, our youngest reviewer, and say “boat” because if you do, you are INCORRECT!

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    William F. Buckley, Jr. led an extraordinary life.

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    “Either the world will burst through the pipes and walls, or weltschmerz will pull our beautifully-arranged bookcases down around our ears.

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    “Griots—French for African storytellers—collects 14 tales of exotic action and adventure all presented by African American writers. . . .

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    Something decidedly odd is going on at Blood Moon Productions, whose Babylon Series has recently released its latest Hollywood biography: Peter O’Toole: Hellraiser, Sexual Outlaw, Irish Rebel

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    For probably the silliest of reasons I wanted to review this book on one of New York City’s great landmark hotels, The Plaza.

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    This book can be treasured by history buffs for its fascinating facts and the author’s graceful and engaging style.