Current/Public Affairs & Events

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“A thoroughly consuming reexamination of one of the most shameful scandals of American political history.”

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“Norberg’s ability to distill lessons for today from thousands of years of world history will stimulate and enlighten both general readers and professional scholars.”

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“Ash’s gift for observation and love of people make this first book memorable.”

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“As a chronicle of the decline of American liberalism from the time of Ted Kennedy’s birth at the dawn of the New Deal to the collapse of its ethic of activist government in the 1970s,

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“chronicles the century-long struggle following the Civil War by Black Americans and other people of color for true civil and social rights, particularly the right to engage in interracial—

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Slanted is Attkisson’s most recent effort to expose the biases and corruption in the mainstream media even as she laments ‘the death of the news as we once knew it.’”

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“That we have new levels of symbolic saturation via social media should give us a long moment of pause as we consider the intended and unintended effects of the powerful technologies that m

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This oral history of the story of COVID-19 in the USA from the start of the year until early June is a helpful reminder as to how much of this year like no other panned out.

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“Guthrie, from what we learn, is part of a bigger picture, challenging the 'simple narrative' of individual freedom of expression."

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Is China trying to help or to dominate the world with its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)? Whatever its goals, will it succeed?

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Americans have stopped listening—to each other and to their institutions.

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“Fawcett displays an impressive knowledge of the thinkers and doers of . . . conservatism throughout modern history.”

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“a solid, valuable work on a critical aspect of America’s wartime quest for an atomic bomb.”

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Systemic Corruption: Constitutional Ideas for An Anti-Oligarchic Republic’s merit lies in its intellectual energy that the reade

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“Few other books reveal the fascinating inner journey that transformed Eleanor from an emotionally choked-off young woman into a mature leader who inspired millions.”

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“Alter provides a multi-dimensional portrait of an American president’s journey as a husband, father, and perhaps his most fulfilling role, as humanitarian.”

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Zakaria’s grasp of the big picture and his ability to channel such a wide narrative in a very readable format should be commended.”

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The Grifter’s Club will appeal to political junkies who can’t get enough of the present national moment.”

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Debora L. Spar’s new book, Work Mate Marry Love, appears urgent and timely.

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“Mishra’s astute and engaging book should . . . be seen as a warning.”

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“A recognition slowly arises that we are all in this together and the time for an awakening to that fact is now.”

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“The main warning of Dreher’s insightful and provocative book is that totalitarianism can happen here—in the United States and the West.”

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“There has been a fair amount of important discussion recently about the stories of immigration across the southern border, about how those stories should be told and who should tell them.

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“Gushee writes in deft, graceful, accessible, and sometimes clever prose.”
