
Reviewed by: 

a stunning tour-de-force . . . that will surely set a new benchmark for graphic novels and what they can achieve in a literary context.”

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In journalism, “bury the lede” is a term of craft: placing the most important point of the story too far down in the text, too distant from the all-important lead paragraph.

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Abbott is enormously enjoyable. The occult plot is a touch hokey, but Elena makes the journey worthwhile. Her story is one long fight.

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The emergence of the comic book to a more mature graphic novel can easily be equated to a butterfly rising from a cocoon.

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The Kitchen is a trade paperback billed as a “reimagining” of the mob novel for a new generation. The question is which generation?

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The Tithe: Volume 1 is a welcome entry into not just the graphic novel market, but also the overall crime fiction genre.”