Summer at Seaside Cove

Image of Summer at Seaside Cove
Release Date: 
May 2, 2011
Reviewed by: 

Have you ever felt so stressed out and betrayed that you want to run away? Jamie Newman feels the need to flee when she learns her boyfriend is cheating on her with her older stepsister Laurel. Along with the betrayal, the pressure of managing the Manhattan family restaurant she inherited after her father’s death makes her want to run for the hills—or rather, to the beach. Happy to procure a summer rental through the Internet, Jamie needs the serenity of the ocean to lick her wounds and soothe her soul.

Jamie flees New York to Seaside Cove on the North Carolina coast. Her summer paradise falls short of the idyllic cottage she thought she rented. Named “Paradise Lost,” and realizing the rental agent misled her, Jamie thinks its rightful name should be “Hell Found.”

Stranded, but ready to demand more suitable lodgings, Jamie learns nothing is available in the small resort community. Faced with spending her first night in the decrepit shack carrying the stench of rotten clams, she sets herself up for battle the next day with the owner, Nick Trent. Nick happens to be a total pain in the butt, though Jamie is attracted by his amazing good looks. The two hit it off like oil and vinegar, and their first meeting proves to be a battle royal.

Nick senses Jamie is escaping heartbreak, for he himself fled his well-to-do family and the fiancée he almost married. When he discovers how run down her cottage really is, he is ashamed. He had thought a crusty, old fisherman was the likely tenant and did not know the realtor had posted photos of the cottage as it was when brand new and pristine.

Just as things are starting to heat up between Nick and the “Princess,” he has dubbed her, Jamie’s drama queen mother and her 14-year-old niece land on her doorstep. What happened to her peaceful getaway?

Summer at Seaside Cove sizzles with sensuality, creating a heartwarming novel about the discovery of true love. The delicious repartée, humorous inner dialogue, and detailed contextual descriptions all help the reader get immersed in this story of forgiveness and compassion.